Since 1903, Family Service has been supporting, strengthening and serving San Antonio and surrounding communities.
Our wraparound services address multiple areas of people’s lives from workforce development to early childhood to mental wellbeing and more.
Our mission is brought forth by addressing the social determinants of health through a trauma-informed care lens. The social determinants of health are where people live, learn, work, play, and age. They are broken into the five categories as set by HealthyPeople 2020/2030: economic stability, education, health and health care, neighborhood and built environment, and social and community context.

“To truly move someone forward, not just for today, but for the future, you can’t just look at one piece of their life. You have to look at all of their challenges.”
– Mary E. Garr, President and CEO
We aim to help all of our clients in any area they are in need. When someone comes to Family Service for one area of help, we hope to further them in all.
We do all of this while keeping in mind that each individual’s experiences are different, and those experiences shape how we navigate life. Working with our clients through a trauma-informed care lens ensures we meet them where they are today.